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Dear readers,
In this second edition of the BBR in 2017, we have the honor to present six new articles that we hope will arouse the interest of our community. The process of selecting articles to be published is complex and involves the articulation of academics who volunteer their time and effort to collaborate in this process. Of the various reasons why authors receive the news that their articles will not be published in the Brazilian Business Review is a structural issue that I would like to discuss briefly with you: the lack of an argument.
An argument is a proposition, an affirmation, a thesis, about which one may say that one agrees or disagrees. It is different from data and result. The data are the empirical evidence that, when analyzed, allows to arrive at a result. However, the results do not speak for themselves. When we understand that the major conclusion of our research is the identification of a moderating effect of A on the relationship between B and C we are not presenting an argument, but a result, based on data. In the same way, when we perform an analysis of the interviewees'' speech (data) we obtain, a list of ways in which a given phenomenon manifests itself (result). However, data and results provide a description but, to raise a study to a theoretical level of contribution, it is necessary to reflect on what these results mean and how they connect with the existing literature.
In the end, we want to know what is the theoretical statement, sometimes counterintuitive, for which the study revealed empirical evidence. We strongly recommend that this questioning be done by authors during the process of conception and construction of their studies and that, once completed, that they are clearly evidenced in the summary of the article. In addition, when the title reveals clues to an argument or arouses curiosity for a relevant issue, the chance of the article being read increases substantially. But to do so is not easy. As one unknown author to me put it, "I wanted to write a note, but since I was out of time, I wrote a letter".
In this edition, we present six articles that were part of this revision process and which, After the processes of comings and goings between authors, associated editors and referees, were considered to be more competitive than the other submissions we received at BBR. I congratulate the authors and thank those involved in the evaluation process. In addition, I end this editorial with an invitation that we seek to elevate our articles beyond the level of description of phenomena and that we shall seek to present theoretical contributions. 
What is your argument? :)

Have a good reading everyone. 

How to Cite
Felix, B. (2018). Editorial. Brazilian Business Review, 14(2). Retrieved from
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